Thursday, February 3, 2011

You Tube Displays of Stupidity

So today I was watching 'The View' and one of the guests was Nadin Khoury, the 13 year old boy who was jumped recently in Philadelphia. The video is absolutely appalling.

A group of 7 boys jumped Nadin - they beat him up, taunted him, and then hung him on a fence by his backpack. Is this really the world we live in? Its amazing to me that he felt confident enough to come on national television and talk about what has been displayed all over the world.

How is it that people feel it is ok to treat someone that way? What kind of homes are these kids being raised in? Nadin said he was terrified that something worse might have happened to him if a woman passing by hadn't stopped what was going on. What is also disturbing is that Nadin and his parents reported the issue he was having with bullies to his school and they didn't do anything about it. Why did it have to come to this? And to top it off and take the cake, what amazes me in all of this is the audacity these boys had to post this video on YouTube, which ultimately led to their arrests. Technology and the social communication we have via the internet today is scary. People feel so comfortable displaying all types of things for the world to see, but there is no discretion and no reprimand, wow.

I cant imagine what it must feel like as a parent to deal with this, to have something like this happen to your child. My heart goes out to Nadin and his family, but the blessing is that he survived. Hopefully other people will see this and refrain from treating their peers this way.